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Children do not have to be toilet trained to participate in our preschool programs. While we have found that most children are developmentally ready for toilet-training when they are 3 years old, we understand that each child is unique and may master toilet-training at a different pace. If your child is not toilet-trained at the start of school, we ask that you connect with your child’s teacher. Our goal is to work in a partnership with you and your child so that your child can achieve this major milestone in a positive and successful way at the age that works best for s/he.

We feel very strongly that the relationship between the staff and the students is one of the keys to the success of a Socially-based Preschool program. A small Teacher/Child ratio ensures that teachers are able to spend more one-on-one time with each student. The ratio in the Bunny Room is 1:4.5, in the Cub Room it is 1:6, and in the Rainbow Room it is 1:7. This allows students to participate in group experiences that increase in size as their developmental skills increase.

Each year we have students at the Preschool Experience who have a food allergy of one kind or another. It is our goal to provide as safe an environment as we can for our students while acknowledging the dietary needs of all. Children’s allergies are always taken into consideration when planning and choosing items for the Daily Snack. The school does not serve any items made with peanut or tree nut ingredients for Snack and lunches brought from home must be nut-free.

In the event that there is inclement weather, the Preschool follows the Newton Public Schools in regard to school closings. When Newton Public does not have school due to bad weather, neither do we.

In the event, however, that Newton has a delay, we open at 10:00 AM, (Early Birds at 9:45AM), regardless of whether it is a 1 hour or 2 hour.

“No School” or “Snow Delay” announcements can usually be heard on local TV and radio stations by 6 AM of the day in questions. Announcements are also posted on the Newton Public Schools website, https://www.newton.k12.ma.us/

If school is held, but conditions are still very bad on any particular street or sidewalk, parents may use their own judgment in determining whether or not to send a child to school.